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Posted May 28, 2013
Cecil Murphey and Twila Belk have a new book out I Believe in Heaven: Real Stories from the Bible, History and Today .
And in that book is a compilation of stories about heaven and angels, including the one about Lonnie Honeycutt's death from Stage IV cancer. However, instead of remaining dead to this world, Lonnie visited heaven, and lived to come back to earth to tell about his unusual visit and a message given to him there.
I first met Lonnie several years ago and when I heard his story, I later asked him if I could condense his book so it could be included in the new compilaton by Cec and Twila. Lonnie graciously allowed me to tell his story in condensed form.
I don't have my copy yet but can't wait until I receive it so I can read more about the other incredible stories. Until then I have to be satisfied with taking a peek through Amazon's "Look inside."
If you have a friend or family member who needs comforting after losing a loved one, this would be a great book for them.
Comments anyone?
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